
How Lucky Can You Get


Life is precious, just many of usa go defenseless up in our mean solar day-to-day routines and forget to step dorsum and truly appreciate what we have. It'due south far too piece of cake to overlook how chop-chop things could change — for the worse.

Ane of the few times that nosotros doremember non to accept things for granted? After a nigh-death experience. If you've ever had a brush with death, you know how harrowing it can exist. And if you don't? Just take it from the following people, who share stories virtually their scariest "ane 2d subsequently and I would've died" moments.

Fugitive the Pane

Exterior of my college dorm, there was this "stoop" at the bottom of my xviii-story-tall building. I was out there sitting on the steps and I got up for no reason. Every bit soon as I got under the building, a huge canvass of glass fell right where I was sitting. Some idiots were messing around on the 11th flooring and knocked a giant window pane out of its mooring.

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I was walking into a Miller's Outpost and the 'M' from the sign above the store fell down and hit me on the shoulder. It was a large drinking glass sign. I moment sooner and it would take hit my head. Because information technology drew blood, the store offered to give me whatever item in the shop that wanted then that I wouldn't sue. I chose an awful blood-red cardigan. I was 16 and dumb.

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Quick Driblet Down

My friend and I were taking an elevator downward to the cafeteria in our dorm in college. For some reason, we were arguing most something when the doors opened, and nosotros ended up hanging back for a second. And then, the elevator dropped two floors with the doors open. I still detest getting in and out of elevators to this day and I do a weird "running showtime" every time.

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Saved by the Telephone

I passed out at piece of work and was sent to the hospital. They diagnosed a drain on the brain and somewhen decided they needed to drill a hole in my skull to drain the fluid. Just as they were about to put me under, the phone rang. It was the Head of Neurology. I actually had a burst aneurysm. According to my doctor, I would have probably died if they had started the surgery.

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Train Trauma

When I was in junior high,  I was carpooling with some other child and her mom. For some reason I cannot fathom, she decided to race a transit train hoping to get across the tracks earlier the railroad train stopped traffic. She gunned the car. I was in the back seat screaming, "NO." She hit the railroad train. Because I was in the back seat, I was injured the least. I had a pointy slice of metal pierce through my jeans. Had she been a 2d faster, the train would have hit us broadside and killed us all.

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Against Nurse's Orders

When I was in middle school, I called my mom on my cellphone during my luncheon suspension because my head hurt then badly I couldn't move. The nurse came and brought me to the office for a checkup while I waited for my mom. The nurse told my mom I had no fever, and that she should take me home and put me to bed and so I could just residue.

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My mom watched me get into the truck and decided last minute that perhaps nosotros should go to the hospital to be rubber. By the fourth dimension we reached the hospital, my temperature was at 104 and I was incapacitated. I had meningitis. If we went dwelling house and she put me to bed as the nurse suggested, I probably would accept never woken up.

A Helpful Hangover

I had a bad hangover and was kind of jittery, which in turn fabricated me actress watchful. I was driving home and when the light turned green, I started to go. Of a sudden, a machine going about 45 mph in crowded city traffic gave no care and went right through the cherry-red light. I slammed on the brakes and felt my anti-lock brakes engage for the offset time in I don't know how long.

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The guy missed me by inches. He didn't even slow down. Had I not been hungover, I doubt I would take given the cantankerous traffic a second look to see him barreling toward me. He likely would have T-boned me right in the commuter's door. For the longest time later that, I've had a hard time stepping into a car, even just as a passenger.

Falling Rain and Trees

My dad and I were driving down the road after some heavy rainfall in Vermont. He was driving, and I was fiddling with the radio. All of a sudden, I heard a very loud Cleft, and before I could inquire my dad what information technology was, out of the corner of my eye I saw movement. An unabridged tree was falling onto the route. Due to the heavy rainfall, the dirt was also wet to keep some trees in place.

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My dad stood on his brake, cartoon style, and we slid nearly correct into the tree. I heard a popular before we fully stopped, and when we lurched dorsum to a full halt, we were both animate hard. My dad got out to check the damage, and the pop I heard was a branch hitting a headlight. Information technology was the first fourth dimension I'd always seen my dad call 911. Information technology was and so scary. It could have been the terminate of united states of america if he didn't stop to chat with the waitress afterward we left the restaurant to go home.

Swimming With Alligators

When I was 5 or 6 years old, my family and I were on holidays in Australia. My mother took me to a embankment that is known for beingness safety, thank you to a net appliance that doesn't let the sharks in. When we arrived, the beach was empty which was kind of foreign, but we connected on. My mother even swam from one point to some other. After that, as we were going to the car, nosotros were approached by the beach authority. They told us to not enter the beach because a family unit of alligators had entered the water and it was actually unsafe.

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An Enlightening State of affairs

I once left a lighter near a fire pit by mistake. I had been sitting almost information technology roasting marshmallows. I had to get within to grab some chocolate and when I came dorsum out, just as I was walking back to the fire pit, the lighter exploded. If I hadn't craved chocolate at that very moment, I very well could have been lit up like the 4th of July.

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A Missed Moose

I was about 6 or 7 years old when my dad and I were driving to his parents summertime cabin. Suddenly, a huge moose ran from the wood, from our right, across the road. I hateful, in that location'due south no such matter as a small moose, let's become that straight. Merely this one was out-of-this-earth huge. We avoided hitting it by literally merely a second.

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It wasso shut that I'm certain we would've striking information technology if either we or the moose gained a second and thenmewhere. We would've been dead for sure. Hit a moose with a car is almost surely a decease sentence anyhow, but that thing was just so large that at that place would've been no adventure. E'er pay attention to beast crossing signs by the side of the road.

Dodging Feral Dog Fights

I did some volunteering abroad in a place that had a ton of feral street dogs.Normally, they minded their ain business concern and were easily scared away (I tended to carry a slice of rebar in my backpack for this purpose), but occasionally they would gang up and maul people; especially kids and old people. One night, I got woken up past the audio of a bunch of them barking and howling. I wouldn't accept minded, except I also heard the sound of a woman screaming.

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I ran out into the street to check information technology out, turned a corner and saw the biggest pack of them I'd ever seen—similar, thirty dogs—all circling around this lady. I started yelling and throwing rocks, thinking they'd scatter… which is when the whole pack immediately turned their attention towards me. They were coming at me with their teeth bared and their ears back. I remember being actually intensely aware, thinking: "O kay, I'1000 going to die correct now…"

It was at that moment that a dude in a rickshaw came fierce downwards the road, flashing his lights and honking. This fabricated the dogs bolt. The driver saved my life, or at the very least prevented a wicked bad mauling. Information technology was a really great affirmation virtually how most people volition practice what they can to help you when yous need it.

Swimming Through a Blackout

I was swimming with my dad and my younger brother in the lake. We had i of those decent sized accident-up rafts that we brought out to play around on. I thought it would exist cool to swim underneath the raft and surface on the other side. Well, the 3rd time I tried this, my little brother jumped into the raft and his trunk slammed into my head while I was swimming underneath, completely disorienting me.

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I call up inhaling tons of water and trying to figure out which way was up. Every time I tried surfacing, I'd hit the bottom of the raft and get disoriented again. I could feel myself starting to black out before I pulled myself up around the side of the raft. No one even knew annihilation was incorrect until I started heaving up water and coughing.

Picket Your Back

I used to work on a farm for a dr. that had antelopes on the holding and one of my jobs was to feed them. My third 24-hour interval on the task was my showtime time actually doing it since all of my coworkers did information technology earlier. I went out in that location with the feed and started to pour information technology out and so that they could consume when all of a sudden, my supervisor shouted from the other side of the fence non to turn my dorsum to the male antelope.

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I couldn't hear him, and so the beginning thing I did was plow my back on the male antelope to ask my supervisor what he said. Almost immediately, I'd realized what I had washed and turned back around to see the antelope most to skewer me. I jumped out of the way and he ripped the shirt off of my back. Luckily, that's all that I lost that day.

Leaving Information technology to Chance

I was with a friend having a beer in a bar on the Koh San Road in Bangkok, Thailand. It was the last week of my bumming around the world and we had a decision to make. Do we go habitation for Christmas or spend it on the beach in Phuket? Neither of us had been to Phuket and we idea it would be an awesome terminate to our xviii-month take chances.

On the other mitt, Christmas at dwelling house with the family was also appealing. So we flipped a money and went home to the UK. Flipping that coin a second before or after could have sent us into the path of the 2004 Boxing Mean solar day Tsunami. Nosotros most certainly would accept found ourselves in trouble and our Christmas could have hands been ruined if we had stayed.

A Dangerous Cocktail

I don't know if I would've died, but when I was very small, I woke upwardly in the heart of the night with a feeling like our domestic dog was missing. I woke up everyone in the house and we went looking for the domestic dog. Somehow, we were all exterior when a Molotov cocktail was thrown into the neighbor's business firm and their firm exploded. The fire spread to my room and my sister's.

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If I hadn't had everyone frantically searching for the domestic dog, who knows what would've happened. The dog must have known something was up besides because she had gotten out of the house and was hiding under a porch across the street. Sometimes, post-obit your gut instinct could save your life. Never underestimate the ability of your gut instinct.

The Hitchhiker's Hail Mary

I was traveling Vietnam on a motorbike when one day, a boy aged around xvi asked if he could hitchhike on my bike with me to the next city, which was around 100 km. I told him sure, and around halfway at that place, I all of a sudden just fell asleep as I was driving forth a mountain route. I was shaken awake by the boy on my bicycle literally right every bit I was about to bulldoze off the edge of the road and managed to swerve back on.

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Had I not have let him hitch a ride and had he not realized I'd passed out when he did, we would have both been expressionless. This was likewise the only day of the trip when someone asked to travel a long altitude on my bike with me.

A Sudden Sharp Bend

I was driving on a country route at nighttime with a friend who just got his license. He was doing fourscore km/h when all the lights died. It was most pitch blackness on the route. He slammed on the brakes and the automobile stopped. The lights besides came back on and we were greeted with a "sharp bend" sign and a sheer cliff 50 meters further on downwardly the road with a thirty-meter drop off into the ocean. That was scary and a tense ride domicile.

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An Electrical Mistake

My boyfriend, myself and a friend of ours were late night swimming. Another friend almost knocked an industrial overflowing calorie-free into the puddle while we were in there and he caught it past the cord at the concluding minute. The idea of that item guy, the class klutz, ending a homo life was funny plenty to make the experience less scary, only still. We almost freaking died! Wow.

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Caught in the Rip Tide

I was caught in a riptide in the Caribbean. All my friends were on shore. I was waving back to shore to try and indicate for assistance and my friends were waving back. I was paddling so hard against the electric current, just panicking. I could feel my torso giving upward with burnout. The danger was that I had never heard of a riptide before or how to deal with it.

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The beach was as well littered with no swimming signs, merely a local guide said it was fine. Thankfully, i of my friends decided to play take hold of waist loftier in the bounding main with some other friend and got close enough to hear me struggle. He told me to swim sideways, only I was seconds away from giving upwards. When I finally got to shore, I collapsed from exhaustion and lay on the sand thanking my lucky stars.

Garage Door Disaster

I was about four years former when I was playing a game of "slide nether before the garage door closes." At ane signal, I got stuck. This was before the safety features of these days. As I was stuck there with the door and then heavy trying to crush my bones into dust, I knew I was about to die. The door was too relentless to fifty-fifty allow me to brand noises. Luckily, a postal worker spotted me. She was able to alert the adults within the house about me being trapped.

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A Failing Plow of Events

I have had numerous bad experiences with bikes, but the near-expiry experience really takes the block. It was my dad, my brother and me on a trail. We were riding downhill towards a precipitous right turn. I was in front end going fast and by the time I realized the caste of the plough, it was also late. I did my best to slow down merely at this betoken, I was going well-nigh 30 to 35 mph. Somehow, I managed to hit a tree right in the eye when I made the turn. If I was a few inches off to the left or correct, I would have fallen downwards a cliff.

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Close Phone call Cut Wood

I was cutting wood with my dad, and both of united states were getting really into the work rhythm. He was cut the tree with the chainsaw, while I was taking the logs he cut and putting them into the wood splitter. I went to grab a log that was a little too close to him and he swung effectually to tell me something. I ended up getting a nic across my dorsum. I didn't even demand stitches, just lots of those big bandaids. I was nearly 14 at the time and I think back now… A second sooner or a 2nd later, and my body or my head could take been cut off. Now I simply have a fading scar across my shoulder blades.

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A Shocking Situation

I came home from a late night run. My eyes were super itchy and most swollen shut, but I had no idea what information technology was. I hopped into bed thinking, "I'll sleep it off, she'll exist right." I got up 10 minutes afterward to enquire my mom what she thought and she said she had never seen it before. She idea that peradventure nosotros should go to the hospital to run into what they say.

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We wandered up to the counter to permit them know why we were in that location. The nurse took one look at me, jumped out of her seat, ran out the door to catch me and pull me into the emergency room. Turns out, I was deep in anaphylactic shock and needed iii adrenaline shots to become through it. If I had just gone to sleep because "she'll exist right," my airway would've airtight and I would've suffocated to death.

Passing the Paris Attacks

I was planning to go to Paris with my friends. Nosotros lived in the Netherlands at the fourth dimension and planned to take the afternoon motorcoach and so we could be there for dinner. Just then we realized, if we took the afternoon bus, we would have to skip a form, so we decided to have the next bachelor jitney. Subsequently that evening, the Paris attacks happened. The restaurant we planned to have dinner at was within the affected area. Nosotros were "trapped" as the country went into lockdown for a few days, but at to the lowest degree we didn't become ourselves hurt or something.

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Just in the Brick of Time

As I was walking down the street, a builder working on the fourth floor of a business firm accidentally dropped a brick over the edge of his scaffolding. It landed about 18 inches from me. If he'd been near me in the 60 seconds following, I'd almost certainly have been hit with information technology, and in the weeks that followed that concerned me more than the incident itself.

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Safe on the Shoulder

Virtually 30 years ago, my family and I were driving upwards to Jasper, Alberta in the winter. In that location was a slow car in front end of us, and an impatient driver behind u.s.a. clearly wanted to laissez passer. Somewhen, the guy behind us attempted the laissez passer, simply on a blind corner—he ended up striking a logging truck head-on. The irksome car in front of united states was as well hit, but my dad took a leap of organized religion and jerked the car to put united states of america in the shoulder and not in the collision.

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This was way earlier mobile phones or anything like that. I remember my dad and my older brother getting out and going over the other cars to talk with the truck driver. There was this indescribable moment of total silence, freezing cold, and disbelief until the authorities came (which was quite a bit later). I remember sitting in the backseat with my younger brothers wondering what the heck simply happened.

Close Call Over Carbs

There was a marketplace happening in my boondocks and my family and I decided to get. I had just bought this lovely olive and red onion breadstuff loaf and was walking back over to my family. I stood there, proudly belongings my bread and I felt something difficult glide down me at a huge speed earlier crashing onto the floor. It was a huge clamper of scaffolding from the building behind me. There was this really unnerving silence afterward as so many people were looking. I was totally stunned. Driving home, I saw for the first time my dad trigger-happy upward. Actually scary. Practiced bread though.

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A Frightening Ride

I was in the line for the Smiler at Alton Towers the mean solar day information technology crashed. If I had decided to get to the toilet after the ride instead of before information technology, I would have ended upwards seriously injured or dead. I haven't gone on a rollercoaster since that mean solar day.

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Clipped at the Crosswalk

I was walking through a crosswalk during the walk low-cal and everything. A guy in a turning lane decided he was but going to gun it. His side view mirror actually hit my hip. One more step and he would have nailed me straight on.

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